Nutritional Supplements
In all mainstream media sources we have looked into, there has been very little, if any at all, coverage of the importance of maintaining a healthy body in order to prevent or reduce the risks of Covid-19. In the English speaking countries we have done a preliminary review of (namely, United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Australia, New Zealand) there has been no mention by their respective governments related to ensuring adequate nutrition and fundamental health as a measure to potentially help prevent or minimise the risks of Covid-19.
One obvious approach to potentially boosting immunity and overall health in the human body, and in a population, is to increase the intake of certain nutrients. In a pandemic situation, and on a mass scale, this is most readily achieved through nutritional supplementation. There are many studies indicating certain nutrients can be of significant benefit in preventing or minimising the risks of respiratory infections, including those associated with SARS-Cov-2.
In this section of our investigation we’ll be looking at a number of nutritional supplements with respect to Covid-19.