This site is very much still under construction. It is a work in progress. Many sections currently have incomplete or no content.
This is our attempt to collate data, resources, and information that we believe has merrit in relation to better understanding a broad ad rational perspective on Covid-19 and humanity’s global response to this pandemic.
Since March 2020 we have looked over an extraordinary about of information from a wide range of perspectives on all matters Covid-19 related. This has included videos, interviews, senate hearings, medical presentations, medical journals, alternative and independent media articles, and much more. We have found that it is common for facts to be blurred by opinion, political agendas, fanaticism, disinformation, misrepresentation, fantasy, baseless theories, and at times what seems to be a fundamental lack of rational objectivity.
We have observed this within the commonly accepted (or “mainstream narrative”) on Covid-19, and, perhaps even more so, within the diverse range of information sources sharing alternative perspectives (i.e., views that contradict and bring into question the mainstream Covid-19 narrative).
This website is our attempt to sort the proverbial wheat from the chaff with regards to the Covid-19 perspectives and naratives that are, for the most part, in contradiction to what is common conveyed by most governments and the mainstream media supporting and propagating their narrative.
We are taking the time to compile information onto this website is order to make it easier to make a broadly informed assessment of Covid-19.
Those of us compiling this website have intentionally avoided presenting subject matter and perspectives that we consider to be so out-on-a-limb (i.e., excessively left or right of centre) that it’s no longer of any meaningful value in directly assessing and understanding Covid-19.
It is not our intention to come to fixed conclusions and final opinions. That would contradict the scientific method. With regards to Covid-19, and all related subject matters, we leave it to you to make your own informed assessment and decision on what is most likely to be a true and reality-based perspective. Remember, all knowledge is partial knowledge. Therefore, we each have a responsibility to remain flexible, curious, and sceptical our approach to reality.
Here at, our disposition—our approach to life—is to remain sceptical. That means to question, and to never assume what we think is true is in fact an accurate assessment of reality. It is important to remain conscious to the high probability that what may seem real in this moment may later prove to be otherwise. We can only do the our best and be our best based on the best knowledge we have available to us in any giving moment.
This site is very much still under construction. It is a work in progress. Many sections currently have incomplete or no content.